Delhi Taekwondo Union

Push beyond your comfort zone and win.

Welcome to Our Academy

Martial arts such taekwondo are incredibly versatile. It can be applied in sports, competition, and self-defense situations. Taekwondo is an excellent method to stay in condition and develop self-control, self-respect, and perseverance.

Meet Your Trainer

Master Ajay

Skills -

  • Kicking: Taekwondo kicks are known for their power and speed. There are many different types of Taekwondo kicks, but some of the most basic include the front kick, side kick, roundhouse kick, and back kick. etc..
  • Punching: Taekwondo punches are also powerful and fast. However, they are not as emphasized as kicks in Taekwondo. Some of the most basic Taekwondo punches include the front punch, hook punch, and uppercut. etc..
  • Blocking: Taekwondo blocks are used to defend yourself against your opponent’s attacks. There are many different types of Taekwondo blocks, but some of the most basic include the front block, side block, and high block. etc..
  • Movement: Taekwondo practitioners need to be able to move quickly and efficiently in order to avoid their opponent’s attacks and to launch their own attacks.etc..

Anyone can do this course

4-7 yrs old child classes

Attract more people and confidence, stress the value of exercise and nutrition, Improve listening, build teamwork and social skills, and acquire respect, discipline, hand-eye coordination, and agility.

Children & Family Classes

While studying self-defense skills, you can raise your self-esteem and cultivate discipline, respect, and a never-say-die mentality. Learn what advantages your training at home and in school has. When a family wins together, they win together!

Teen & Adult Classes

Become physically and mentally fit, and have a better attitude on life. Create enduring relationships by surrounding oneself with supportive peers and training partners. Find your inner strength and create good habits.

Greeting everyone to our academy. Please work on developing your physical and mental well-being.

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